Heter Iska
Below are various Heter Iska forms- please consult with your Rav before executing
Below are various Heter Iska forms- please consult with your Rav before executing
For a Brief Explanation of the Heter Iska concept click here
Iska Contract - chatzi flexible- Maysharim F.docx
Standard Classic Heter Iska
Iska Contract Kulo Pekadon.docx
Kulo Pekadon Form- appropriate for higher rates
general iska sales.docx
General Heter Iska for Businesses- clients should be aware of the Iska, and it should preferably be referenced in each invoice
Operating Agreement General Iska Kulo Pekadon no personal liability.docx
General Heter Iska for partners to execute as part of an Operating Agreement
Simple Heter Iska- more familiar to many Attorneys
iska guarantor.docx
Heter Iska for Guarantors/Co-signer